Swedish massage is a well-loved massage therapy technique that is commonly practiced in Western nations. It is typically viewed as a classic massage style that prioritized relaxation and addressing the superficial muscles of the body. Through the release of tense muscles and the stretching of connective tissues, Swedish massage seeks to relieve muscle tension and promote relaxation and revitalization.
30 Minute $50 45 Minute $70 60 Minute $90 75 Minute $110 90 Minute $130
Therapeutic massage utilizes a range of advanced techniques to relieve pain and tension, as well as improve flexibility and overall performance. This type of massage is more targeted towards specific problem areas rather than a full body treatment. At Black Hills Body Contouring & Therapeutic Massage, I believe in working together with my clients' healthcare providers to ensure comprehensive care. I welcome input from personal doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, and other health professionals.
30 Minute $50 45 Minute $70 60 Minute $90 75 Minute $110 90 Minute $130
As a mom-to-be, your body experiences discomfort due to the taxiing weight of carrying that little one that's on its way to the world. This massage is designed to alleviate that discomfort and help with relaxation, circulation, and better sleep. We love working with expecting moms and take great care to provide safe massage. Please wait until you are at least 10 weeks along before booking an appointment for your safety and the safety of your new little one.
30 Minute $50 45 Minute $70 60 Minute $90
What is Lypossage?
Lypossage is a non-invasive form of body contouring that can help eliminate the look of cellulite, help you contour the areas of the thighs, hips, buttocks, back, arms, and the ever-troublesome abdomen.
Body contouring is done by zone.
Zone 1: Thighs, hips, & buttocks
Zone 2: Back, arms, & abdomen
Zone 3: Facial
What does Lypossage facial massage do?
This method of massage can help rejuvenate the skin by helping improve texture, skin brightness, diminish skin redness as well as puffiness and give the skin a more lifted look without the use of needles or fillers. As a bonus, this type of facial massage can also help clients who suffer with sinus issues.
How does booking work?
Lypossage and facial massage sessions are booked as series of 18 sessions in order for clients to experience the maximum amount of benefits these treatments offer. Facial massage can be booked as a single session.
30 Minute Lypossage Consultation FREE
18 treatments for $1800 (per zone)
Single Lypossage facial treatment $50 ($40 if added on to the end of a Swedish, Therapeutic, or Pregnancy massage)